The Telugu flick 'Kick', which gave actor Shaam's career a second lease of life, is all set to be made in Tamil too. The rights for the film have been purchased by Editor Mohan, and his son Raja will direct it even as Jayam Ravi, his younger son, has been roped in to play hero.
Tamannah has been finalized to play Ravi's heroine, with Ravi reprising the role originally essayed by Ravi Teja. Shaam has now been roped in to play the same role in Telugu as well, and shoot for the film is expected to begin in late August.
This will be the fifth time that Ravi and brother Raja team up, after 'Jayam', 'Unakkum Enakkum', 'M Kumaran S/O Mahalakshmi' and the blockbuster 'Santhosh Subramaniyam'. It is worth noting that the director hasn't done one original movie as yet, with all these films being remakes of popular Telugu flicks. But surely remake is never a cake walk, let's wait and watch if Sham and Jayam Ravi's combo adds another hit in Raja's list of remakes.
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