Power star Puneet Rajkumar, who is busy with his forthcoming movie Raaj – The Showman, is in news after Gandhinagar sources claimed that the actor would star in a remake movie. Yes! Puneet has reportedly signed to act in the remake of Tamil hit movie Nadodigal. Nobody had expected that the film Nadodigal, which does not have even one talented actor, would take the Box Office by storm. After the success of Subramanyapuram, director Samuthirakkani signed in Sasikumar for the movie Nadodigal with lots of expectations from him.
All the three actors Sasikumar, Vijay Vasanth and Bharani have breathed life into their characters. Now they are taking the movie towards the success of hundred days. Even actresses Abhinaya, Ananya and Shantini have delivered wonderful performance.
The movie is made with a budget of Rs. 7.40 crores. The cine experts have estimated the movie Nadodigal will earn 30 crores before it completes hundred days. The movie is presently running houseful at 168 centres, says director Samuthirakkani.
Now the movie Nadodigal is reportedly being remade in Kannada, Telugu and Hindi. Power star Puneet Rajkumar will play lead role in Kannada while Oscar winner Slumdog Millionaire actor Dev Patel in Hindi and Ravi Teja in Telugu will play lead. The details of other cast are yet to be decided. However, shooting of Kannada version is expected to go to sets in December.
Karuna (Sasikumar), Chandan (Vijay Vasanth) and Pandian (Bharani) are three friends from a small village. Abhinaya plays a deaf and dumb girl. Ananya and Shantini play the lead roles. Nadodigal means vagabonds. The movie is all about the youths, who wander in search of jobs. The movie captures their joys and sorrows while they search for jobs
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